Future Nat Prod. 2017;3(2): 1-5.
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Original article

The study of essential oil composition of Matricaria chamomilla in Khouzestan

Seyed Ata Siadat 1, Fatemeh Direkvand-Moghadam 2*

1 Agronomy Dept., Ramin University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ahwaz, I.R. Iran
2 Centrallab Dept., Ramin University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ahwaz, I.R. Iran
*Corresponding Author: Fatemeh Direkvand-Moghadam. Centrallab Dept., Ramin University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ahwaz, I.R. Iran, Tel: 00989167108576,, Email: direkvand.fatemeh@yahoo.com


Background and aims: Matricaria chamomilla is an important medicinal plant that widely is used in pharmaceuticals and food industries. The present study was aimed to evaluate the essential oil composition of samples of Matricaria chamomilla collected from different regions of Khouzestan.

Methods: In this experimental study, samples of Matricaria chamomilla were collected from different regions of Khuzestan at full flowering stage. The component identification was achieved by the Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Total GC running time was 75 min. The components of essential oil were identified on the basis of comparison of their retention time and mass spectra with published data. Moreover, they were identified by computer matching with Wiley 7n, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) libraries provided with computer controlling the GC-MS system, and Adams book in Centrallab of Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan.

Results: The main oil compounds of samples of Matricaria chamomilla were α-Pinene, Sabinene, β-Pinene, 1,8-Cineole, Citronellol, Aromadendrone, (E).β-farnesene, Spathulenol, Caryophyllene oxide, α-Bisabolone oxide A, α-Bisabolole oxide B, Chamazolene and α-Bisabolole oxide A, collected from different regions of Khouzestan. Also, α-Bisabolone oxide A, Caryophyllene oxide, Chamazolene and α-Bisabolole oxide A were the highest percentage of the main oil compounds of these samples.

Conclusions: The Caryophyllene oxide, α-Bisabolone oxide A, Chamazolene, α-Bisabolole oxide A are dominant components in the essential oil of Matricaria chamomilla in weather and geographical conditions of studied samples and different climates are effective on plant essential oil composition.

How to cite the article: Siadat SA, Direkvand-Moghadam F. The study of essential oil composition of Matricaria chamomilla in Khouzestan. Adv Herb Med. 2016; 2(2): 1-5.
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Submitted: 08 May 2016
Accepted: 22 Jun 2016
ePublished: 30 Apr 2017
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